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The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.

Kids Drop-in: Zine Workshop

Try out our zine-making workshop, and learn the ins and outs of this widely loved art form. Begin with a brief history, and then transform pieces of paper into a DIY masterpiece. Visit current exhibitions to inspire your own ideas.


Mitch has wanted to be a teacher since second grade. Every interaction with students is unique & dynamic. Teaching offers a chance to create environments cultivated for playful failure & co-operative creation. A graduate of the U of A’s combined BA Drama/BEd Secondary program, Mitchell's grateful for the chance to explore art-making, media-studies, and peer-to-peer interactions with kids. 

In his spare time Mitch consumes an absurd amount of film, video games, and comics. You can hear more of him on his podcasts: WenghTalk Radio- an topic/interview based show - or We Watch Food- a food in media show.

Dates and Tickets

No ticket needed
No upcoming dates.
Show past dates
Tags: kids  kids drop-in


Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Thursday: 11am-7pm
Friday: 11am-5pm
Saturday: 11am-5pm
Sunday: 11am-5pm


* Restrictions apply. Please see our Hours and Admissions page.

AGA members
Youth 0-17
Alberta students 18+
Out-of-province students
General admission
Seniors 65+


2 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J 2C1



The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.