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The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.

Bridget Fairbank

Photo courtesy of the Artist.

Bridget Fairbank makes installation art + orchestrates happenings for the re-imagining of everyday actions and relations. Born in the mountains of beautiful British Columbia, her childhood was spent exploring nature and making her own fun. Since, she has traveled the world researching and making art. An MFA from University of Florida + BFA from NSCAD University, credits from Alfred University + Australia National University, residencies from Miami to Berlin have punctuated twelve years of wildfire-spotting in the employ of Alberta Agriculture + Forestry. These experiences led her to value hand crafts + embrace technology in our globalized world of constant changing climate. Fairbank is now the Educational Art Technician in ceramics at Alberta University of the Arts. She knows one thing: the earth connects us all and that earth is made of clay.


Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Thursday: 11am-7pm
Friday: 11am-5pm
Saturday: 11am-5pm
Sunday: 11am-5pm


* Restrictions apply. Please see our Hours and Admissions page.

AGA members
Youth 0-17
Alberta students 18+
Out-of-province students
General admission
Seniors 65+


2 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J 2C1



The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.