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The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.

Brenda Raynard

My name is Brenda Raynard.  I've been a visual artist working from my home studio on Treaty 6 Lands in Edmonton since 2000. 

My art practise has focused exclusively on watercolour painting after taking an introductory course in 2017. 

I'm known as something of a 'Maven of Masking Fluid' amongst my friends.  I was a commercial screen-printer over several summers when I was in university. Now I find myself reliving that process when I'm strategically layering watercolour and masking fluid. Then, as with printmaking, once all the layers are dry (yes, I am that person who enjoys watching paint dry),  the final image is revealed by peeling off the masking fluid. 

Making art is a process of continual informed and intuitive decisions that come from years of experience as well as happy accidents that inevitably move my art in new and exciting directions. 


Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Thursday: 11am-7pm
Friday: 11am-5pm
Saturday: 11am-5pm
Sunday: 11am-5pm


* Restrictions apply. Please see our Hours and Admissions page.

AGA members
Youth 0-17
Alberta students 18+
Out-of-province students
General admission
Seniors 65+


2 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J 2C1



The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.