Miskamowin is a historical documentary project dedicated to learning about the history of Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Beaver Hills House) and the First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities who have occupied Treaty 6 Territory since time immemorial. Please come join us for a special premiere screening of kayaskemik "The Ancient World" and an after-show panel discussion with the director, cast and crew!
The location of this screening is in the AGA’s Ledcor Theatre. Please note that registration is recommended due to limited space.
Miskamowin is directed and produced by Edmonton's 6th Historian Laureate Amber Paquette. Join us on a visual journey of Amiskwaciy's history through the use of local oral stories, animations, 3D maps, interviews and dramatic historical reenactments. We will be presenting a special preview screening of Miskamowin's first episode: kayâseskamik: "The Ancient World. "Woven together from the use of both the archival and oral record - Miskamowin is a letter of love to all those who live on Treaty 6 Territory and beyond."
Land Acknowledgement
Amiskwaciwâskahikan is located on the traditional lands of the Nehyiaw-Pwats ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐤ ᐸᐧᐟ (Nehiyawak/Cree, Stoney Nakoda, Saulteaux , Haudenosaunee/Iroquois, Michiff/Métis) and the Siksikaitsitapi (Niitsitapi/Blackfoot, Kainai, Piikani Tsuutʼina) Dene and Inuit. We both acknowledge and honor our all relations on Treaty 6 Territory and continue to deeply thank all those who continue to contribute to our collective history. kinanâskomitinâwâw. Thank you!"