Are you a senior looking for unique art experiences, love film and meeting fellow life-long learners? Come to the AGA on Friday, August 9th at 2pm for our next Cinema for Seniors, a monthly film matinee programmed by our Aging Artfully Advisory Committee.
This month, our feature film is The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait Photography (2017). This film is 76 minutes and will be screened in our Ledcor Theatre located in the lower level of the Gallery. Following the film, we invite participants to partake in a lively discussion with light refreshments in one of our education studios.
About the Film : Portrait photographer Elsa Dorfman found her medium in 1980: the larger-than-life Polaroid Land 20x24 camera. For the next thirty-five years she captured the "surfaces" of those who visited her Cambridge, Massachusetts studio: families, Beat poets, rock stars, and Harvard notables. As pictures begin to fade and her retirement looms, Dorfman gives Director Errol Morris an inside tour of her backyard archive.
For more information about this program and other programming for seniors or to sign up for our mailing list, contact us at