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The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.

Guided Scent Tour with Artist Rolande Souliere

Join us for a guided scent tour by artist Rolande Souliere of their artwork in the new exhibition Scents of Movement, Scents of Place at the Art Gallery of Alberta. This program celebrates the first day the exhibition is open to the public and is hosted by curator Lindsey Sharman. This program is an expanded scent tour of the 4 Directions with Anishinaabe artist Rolande Souliere. In this tour, visitors will be able to smell 4 limited edition fragrances that the artist has created to evoke the feeling of each of the 4 Directions, as well as learn more about her work and the exhibition Scents of Movement, Scents of Place. 

You can participate in this hour-long program by booking your ticket online, this program is included in the cost of general admission to the gallery. At the end of this program, we will reserve time for an audience Q&A. Please register in advance.  


Rolande Souliere’s works across painting, site specific installation, temporary and permanent public art and social art.  Souliere’s art practice explores the social, political, and cultural aspects of Indigeneity in contemporary society. Utilizing repetitive processes of wrapping, binding, and layering, Souliere’s artworks incorporate mass produced items such as reflective road signage, automobile headlights and brake lights, variable message boards, construction materials and domestic items. These universal materials are stripped from their usual contexts, manipulated, and repurposed into dynamic installations.

Recent projects include Seaton House Public Art Commission by City of Toronto, Canada, 52 Artists, (Travelling), Artspace, Sydney, RBC Art Collection, Sydney, Scents of Movement, Scent of Place, Art Gallery of Alberta, Canada, and collaborative mural with Tlacolulokos commissioned by Canadian Embassy Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Souliere is a member of Michipicoten First Nation, born in Toronto, Canada and is also an Australian citizen, currently residing in Sydney. She has a BVA (Honours), MVA and a PhD, from Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney.

Dates and Tickets

Free with admission
Free with admission
No upcoming dates.
Show past dates
Audience: All ages
Tags: tour


Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 11am-5pm
Thursday: 11am-7pm
Friday: 11am-5pm
Saturday: 11am-5pm
Sunday: 11am-5pm


* Restrictions apply. Please see our Hours and Admissions page.

AGA members
Youth 0-17
Alberta students 18+
Out-of-province students
General admission
Seniors 65+


2 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J 2C1



The Art Gallery of Alberta respectfully acknowledges that we are located in Treaty 6 Territory and Region 4 of the Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect this as the traditional and contemporary  land of diverse Indigenous Peoples including the Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Beaver Cree, Nitsitapi/Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Anishinaabe/Saulteaux/Ojibwe and Dene Peoples. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous, Inuit and Métis people who make Alberta their home today.